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What happens if I end up needing care from a doctor who isn’t in my plan’s network?

Plans are not required to cover any care received from a non-network provider, though many plans today do, at least to some extent. If you do receive care out of network, it could be costly to you. Generally plans that provide an out-of-network option cover such care at a lower rate (e.g., 80% of in-network costs might be reimbursed but only 60% of non-network care.) In addition, when you get care out of network, insurers may apply a separate deductible and are not required to apply your costs to the annual out-of-pocket limit on cost sharing. Non-network providers also are not contracted to limit their charges to an amount the insurer says is reasonable, so you might also owe “balance billing” expenses.

If you went out of network because you felt it was medically necessary to receive care from a specific professional or facility – for example, if you felt your plan’s network didn’t include providers able to provide the care you need – or if you inadvertently got non network care while hospitalized if the anesthesiologist or other physicians working in the hospital don’t participate in your plan network – you can appeal the insurer’s decision. If there is a Consumer Assistance Program in your state, staff in this program can help you file your appeal.

network, outside of network