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Tag: dental

I’m buying coverage on the Marketplace for my family. I notice many health plans don’t cover pediatric dental care, but there are also stand-alone dental plans for sale. Is that allowed?

Each health insurance Marketplace can decide whether to require all insurers to cover pediatric dental benefits or whether to allow the sale of stand-alone dental policies. When stand-alone dental policies are allowed, health insurers in the Marketplace might not be required to cover pediatric dental benefits. If your health plan covers dental benefits, you will pay one premium for everything. If you get dental benefits through a stand-alone plan, you will have to pay a separate premium for the dental benefits.

Is dental coverage an essential health benefit?

Under the health care law, dental insurance is treated differently for adults and children 18 and under.

Dental coverage for children is an essential health benefit. This means it must be available to you, either as a covered benefit under your health plan or as a free-standing plan. This is not the case for adults. Insurers don’t have to offer adult dental coverage.